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Full Artist Bio

Michael Fratrich has worked as a professional artist since 1983, when he sold his first oil painting of a rural farm scene at the age of fifteen during an exhibit in Northern New Jersey. A self taught artist, Fratrich developed his style of representing rural and vintage American subjects at an early age. His distinctive artistic renderings have evolved from an appreciation of his family’s farm country roots in addition to his experience with the renowned artist and writer Eric Sloane. “I am very fortunate to have known him as a child, and to have studied his work during my own artistic coming of age,” Fratrich states. “To this day I still apply a great deal of his instruction to my own artistic philosophy.”

Fratrich, experienced first hand the tragedy of 9/11 as they were residing in Manhattan at the time. It was that event, coupled with the calling Michael felt to return to the rural scene that prompted him and his wife to settle their businesses and relocate permanently to Vermont. Michael has worked solely as a professional painter during the years since, painting every day in his Manchester studio.

Although Fratrich’s ability allows him to cover limitless subjects in oils, he prefers that his renderings follow his life’s passion for the Early American rural scene. His uncanny ability to capture the mood of our Vintage American Era remains the trademark endemic to his body of work. Along with sanctioning gallery viewers’ passage back in time to revisit worthy ideals, the magic of Fratrich’s renderings is that they may be emotively experienced. They serve as a vehicle for travel along the viewers own mental highways of exploration …or recollection. Simultaneously, they sponsor a pride in the laudable subjects of our American ancestry. Whether it is a farmscape painting that allows us to momentarily identify with the worthiness of the Early American Farmer, his purposeful living, and the beauty therein – or a covered bridge painting sponsoring our appreciation of the ingenuity and perseverance of the Early American Bridge Builder, fabricating a beautifully enduring purposeful structure of only basic materials, without the use of one power tool. Fratrich’s paintings enunciate the essence of an earlier era, and celebrate the endurance of those ideals to this day.

“What I am doing through my paintings,” Fratrich claims, “is recording the underlying American Spirit. I have moved to Vermont from a much more gentrified area of the country where the landscape is all but void of that sense, and I am filled with wonder every day at how much Vermont bubbles over with enduring impressions of the American Spirit. Whether I am driving past an old covered bridge, or an Early American Farmstead, gazing out of my studio window at the ancient apple orchard, or simply comparing old hand crafted wooden buckets at a local Vermont antique shop, I am bearing witness to the everlasting American Spirit that forged them.” Fratrich concluded, “To live the lifestyle of a professional artist recording in oils the American Spirit is to have found true happiness. I have found that happiness here in Vermont.”

Aerial view of a snow-covered village with a central church spire, surrounded by forested hills under a dusk sky.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 48″ / 45″ x 57″ frame size

The magic of a Vermont Village at night is captured to a T in the painting,
VILLAGE BY NIGHT. As you might have guessed it is Stowe, Vermont. The lights literally twinkle and it is greatly admired. Such attention to detail in this piece. Michael outdid himself.

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A serene winter scene depicting a house and barn on a snow-covered hill under a twilight sky with vibrant pink and blue hues.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 48″ / 38″ x 56″ frame size

Michael has gone PINK. The very first one done in magenta sold immediately. Such a happy ….happy way for the day to end. It caps the end of a perfect day.

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A serene winter scene depicting a red barn and other outbuildings amid snow-covered ground, under a twilight sky with visible stars.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 28″ x 38″ / 36″ x 46″ frame size

A gnarly old apple tree and stone lined field cap off another winter night look from Vermont. All is peace and serenity.

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Vibrant street scene at the intersection of broadway and west 74th street in new york, featuring pedestrians, colorful flower stands, and bustling city life.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 40″ x 54″ / 52″ x 66″ frame size

One of the most cherished pieces in the gallery. So many people stop and comment……I KNOW WHERE THAT IS. Michael, as you all know by now loves to share with people the many sides of his creative skills. Amsterdam is over the top with detail and color. Plus many have noted the celebrity in the pedestrian crossing zone! Enjoy

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Rustic barn with a stone and wooden structure, surrounded by a snowy landscape and a wooden fence, with a backdrop of hills under a cloudy sky.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 48″ / 39″ x 57″ frame size

Winter Reds was essentially the beginning of Michael’s career in High School. He was very intrigued with Eric Sloan’s style and subject. He painted in gouache a 9″x 11″ piece almost exactly the same as Winter Reds. Winter Reds was a study to see how he has changed…..and obviously ….bigger and better in oil. A statement piece for sure on his life’s passion.

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A painting of a woman with long red hair in a white dress standing on a grassy hillside, gazing towards a blue sea under a light blue sky.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 28″ x 20″ / 36″ x 28″ frame size:

Impressionism is one of Michael’s personal favorite expressions. He is also infatuated with antique frames which he hangs in a separate room. They are hung empty and Michael studies the space to come up with a composition and plan for the oil that will be placed inside. Personal Time’s frame comes from Paris and dates back to the Impressionistic Period.

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A pastoral winter scene depicting two individuals on a horse-drawn sleigh and another collecting sap from maple trees, with red barns in the background.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 28″ x 42″ / 38″ x 52″ frame size:

Who wouldn’t want to experience this feeling. A delightful feeling is portrayed in this painting from the clean new snow/ the smell of the steam vapors departing the sugar shack/ the quiet pull of the horses as they make their way from tree to tree. No exhaust fumes here. Best of all the conjured image of maple syrup and pancakes ahead. Michael says it all.

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A serene winter scene featuring a large wooden barn with snow-covered ground and a pink-hued sky at dusk, surrounded by icy trees and a stone fence.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 26″ x 40″ frame size: 35″ x 49″

Aptly titled this piece offers one of the most precious moments you might experience in Vermont if you are attentive. It is fleeting and delicate as are the choice of colors that Michael has chosen.

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A painting of a house in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 48″

A sweet farm…..nestled in …….for the night. Trees and stonewall secure the perimeters and mountains in the background. Michael has a super imagination for comforting homelife situations. I always wonder what is cooking for supper.

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A painting of a red barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 60″

Fresh from the easel, Michael always surprises me with “perfect” paintings that capture everyone when the come into the gallery. Michael’s paintings fill the need for the big space in a contemporary or aged old home. His magic combo of color and composition are exactly what many seek. Thank you Michael.

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A painting of a farm with a red roof.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 60″

Just arrived and hung three new oils by Michael. For those waiting for a versions of Michael’s well loved STORMLIGHT series I am excited to share his most recent piece just off his easel. Also just in time for Christmas. It offers drama and beauty with profound architecture that can withstand all. And so the title……for which we should strive for.


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A painting of a red barn at sunset.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 60″

GOLDEN LIGHT is one’s first reaction to Harmony.  It has such an enticing desire to visit this farm.  You just want to crawl into the painting……..and I don’t think he ever lived on a farm.

This painting will command peaceful attention.


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A painting of a barn under the moon.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 28″ x 38″

AHHHHH…..YES…….another moon painting by Michael.  How they are loved.  With his enticing view thru the barn,  we are transported on a moonlit journey.


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A painting of a barn with a red roof in the middle of a field.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 48″

Once again from Michael’s ultra successful Stormlight series……..we have UNDEFEATED…..

A wonderful example of the drama of light shown in the sky and Michael’s ever entertaining


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A painting of a house with a moon in the sky.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 40″

A variation from Michael’s typical expression is the charming impressionistic piece……A Moment of Reflection. It literally feels genuine and sparkly on the water’s surface. Michael is never……never boring. He continually seeks new challenges and techniques. This one is a keeper!

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A painting of houses on a hill with red roofs.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 60″ 

The love and calling for another painting from Michael’s Stormlight series, joins the display. The drama of the dark sky against the red roofline fascinates and captivates all who view. Michael is intrigued with the entire rainbow of colors. He is always ready to surprise us with a new theme, color or style. A must see in person.

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A painting of two barns on a hillside.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 48″

Michael’s magical colors once again attract collectors as they drive by the front of Tilting at Windmills Gallery.
Michael’s pallet is forever delightful and subjects filled with Vermont charm. The stones in the field gently direct your eyes to the subject on the hill. And my oh my …..a
lavender roof!

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A painting of a farm in the fall.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 30″ x 48″

Fine detail in this rendering of an autumnal New England farm, from the stones on the fence to the fall foliage through the far barn window!

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A painting of a farm with a red roof.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 60″

This painting evokes the peace and respite implied by the Tolkien quote is it named after.

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A painting of red barns in a field.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 60″

This farm boasts a late autumnal palette, and you can almost smell the wind through the waving grass and a whiff of ozone from the approaching storm…

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A painting of a red barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size:36″ x 48″ 

Stars seem to stand out in brighter relief in the winter sky. Night descends on this peaceful, cozy farm.

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Barns at sunset painting - barns at sunset fine art print.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 12″ x 18″

That fleeting moment when the sunset is gold fades quickly, but is captured for posterity in this work.

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A painting of a red barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 12″ x 18″

Warm sunset light floods this snowbound farm.

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A painting of a barn on a hill with a red roof.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 12″ x 18″ 

A red roofed barn and feathery meadow artwork in a smaller format for those cozy nook walls!

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A painting of a white house on a snowy hill.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 48″ 

The warm light from the farmhouse window beckons like the North Star on a cold evening.

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A painting of a woman in an orange dress.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 24″ x 12″ 

Her story is just beginning, but she has some rockin’ shoes for the journey!

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A painting of a field with trees and a sunset.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 48″ 

The most dynamic Fratrich minimalist artwork yet, this vivid palette will brighten the mood in any room!

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A painting of a red barn in a green field.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 36″

Spring time sunset on the minimalist farm…

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A painting of a house in a green field with a crescent moon.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 24″ 

A crescent moon rises in an amethyst sky in this minimalist work…

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A painting of a green field with a lone tree.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 24″

Spring time tones abound in this minimalist work, but the smoke from the chimney shows its still chilly at sunset!

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A painting of a house in a field at sunset.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 60″ 

You simply should see this stunning sunrise in person to appreciate all the wonderful details!

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A painting of sheep in a snowy field.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30 in. x 40 in.

For those of you seeking a larger homespun painting, Michael barely completed this for his show. Plus the added delight is you are introduced to
Bovinia, Vermont!!! A very special place……in Michael’s mind and heart.

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A painting of a farm in the snow.

77th Heaven

Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30 in. x 30 in.

Michael’s cows are very loved and enjoyed. They fill your mind with contentment.

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A painting of a barn with a red roof.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 60″

A simplistic example of the serenity of the farm life. One apple left on the tree and peace prevails. Isn’t that how everyone feels when they come to Vermont?

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A painting of a snowy village at night.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 60″ 

Michael’s talent has led him down many avenues of expression but this one is ever so representational of Vermont and the villages therein. He has gathered many favorite spots throughout the state to come up with this quintessential village. One feels like you could just wander down the hill and be in it. A spectacular piece to show the extremes of Michael’s capabilities. He is featuring it and many more at his show at Tilting at Windmills Gallery on Saturday, February 19th, 2022. He will be in the gallery from 11am to 5pm for your convenience to meet and chat with. Learn what he does to come up with such a spectacular variety and colors. Hope to see you then.

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A painting of a house in the middle of a field.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 48″ 

Michael’s Minimal Paintings have been exceedingly successful for the decor and delight of many collectors. How Michael comes up with all these different expressions…….one can only wonder!

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A painting of a red barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 48″

Michael has chosen this piece to be his favorite. It ended exactly how he wanted it to with the exact colors and feel he sought. Every once in awhile an artist really connects to his piece in every way,

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A painting of a red barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 48″ 

Michael’s Minimal Paintings have been exceedingly successful for the decor and delight of many collectors. How Michael comes up with all these different expressions…….one can only wonder!

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A painting of a barn under a full moon.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 40″ 

This old barn has shared many full moons and you can even see through the slats on the back wall the light cast from this moon.

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A painting of a house in the snow at sunset.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold /strong>
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 34″ x 45″

Have you seen this color in the sky? It is fleeting and fabulous. Nothing is ignored for a few short seconds. Now it is captured on canvas for you to view continuously.

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A painting of a barn and a tree in the middle of a field.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 24″ 

A minimal that will keep you alert and energized. It is wonderful. Who would paint a purple sky and yellow grass……? Michael!!!

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A painting of a snowy village at night.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 36″ 

This piece was sold before it went on the wall. Fortunately, the buyer has let us keep if for Michael’s show February 19th, 2022. Thank you new owner.

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A painting of a house in a field at sunset.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 48″ 

This piece came in and went out…..not gracing the walls for long before heading for its’ forever home!

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A painting of a chef holding a pan of food.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 24″ 

Michael is an artist who has FUN. He delights in doing something different. Here is a piece perfect for the home chef or the working chef. It makes you smile even before you taste your meal!

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A painting of a woman holding a fan.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 43″ x 31″ 

SURPRISE. Once again Michael displays his ever growing capabilities in painting techniques, styles and subjects. The ornate designs and colors captivate all who view.

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A painting of a woman in a purple dress.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 43″ x 31″ 

SURPRISE. Michael displays his ever growing capabilities in painting techniques, styles and subjects. A continuous surprise comes from Michael’s easel.

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Marilyn monroe painting - marilyn monroe fine art print.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 15″ 

Something to remind you of Marilyn!!!

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A painting of a red barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 34″ x 34″ 

A romantic version of a Vermont Village that will not be on the gallery wall for long. It is charming and all the lights in the houses define the village in a captivating charm.

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A painting of a barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 48″

This is another of Michael’s gems that harbor lovely feelings of winter and a cozy place inside if needed. I am a lover of stone walls and this one is a great aid to pull your eye into the subject. A perfect piece to keep you entertained for years.

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A painting of a farm with cows and a full moon.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 36″ 

Michael’s primitive pieces have been a true hit. They are whimsical and colorful.
People are very attracted to them and they seem to find new homes swiftly.

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A painting of a red barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 48″ 

By popular demand another minimalistic oil by Michael Fratrich joins the gallery!

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A painting of a red barn on a snowy hill.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 60″ 

Many buildings and textures to entertain in this painting. Time is stopped and light is captured at that magical end of the day moment.

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A painting of two red barns on a snowy hill.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 60″ 

This piece is spectacular in person. You will be stunned at the clarity that Michael can achieve in his scenes. The colors are captivating!

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A painting of a red barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 30″

A perfect addition to your home that will stop your visitors in their tracks and will stop you also, to enjoy daily!!!

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A painting of a red barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Price: $SOLD
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 48″ 

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A lighthouse on a rocky cliff at sunset.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 36″ 

A DELIGHTFUL light house with a Maxfield Parrish sky. Michael is so capable in diverse expressions. He never ceases to amaze me!

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A painting of a farm with a moon in the sky.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 36″ 

Michael’s much loved moons are portrayed in his new expression of homespun and primitive farm life. They have a quilting effect and the cows are adorable….if cows can be adorable.

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A painting of a farm.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 36″ 

Such interest in this new style by Michael Fratrich. He has ventured into more expressions and each one is amazingly received. Goooo Michael.

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A painting of a barn under the moon.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 24″ 

Ahhhhh. The sought after MOON paintings by Michael Fratrich. So compelling and softly lit. Such a special capturing of the feelings of a peaceful night. Who is not comforted or cheered by it!?

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A painting of a red barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 60″

This painting is the only one available in this spectacular color. It expresses a fleeting moment when the sun leaves the day behind and the moon takes over. Michael has found a most exciting presentation that captures hearts!

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A painting of a red barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Price: $3900
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 24″ 

The simplicity of this farm scene is peaceful and serene.

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A painting of a red barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 48″ 

Early Stars tells a story of the beginning of a night without moonlight and how the stars

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A painting of a house with a moon in the sky.


Michael Fratrich
Price: $3900
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 24″ 

Only three left from Michael’s Minimalist expression that is delightfully simple.

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A painting of two barns with red roofs on a hill.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36″ x 48″ 

The red roofed barn is ever so popular with collectors. You will want one of your own.

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A painting of a man and woman dancing a tango.


Michael Fratrich
Price: $12,000
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 40″ x 30″ 

YES. You are still on the Michael Fratrich page. This is a completely different subject and presentation by Michael. The Tango is a very energetic piece.

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A painting of a barn in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 48″ 

Violetta is a lavendar and yellow expression with a very subtle charm. I personally am infatuated with Michael’s treatment of the grass and stonewall in colors and expression!

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A painting of cows grazing in a field.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 38″ x 28″ 

This is another very Asian feeling expression from Michael’s collection and Harmony is an excellent title for it!

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A painting of a red barn on a snowy hill.


Michael Fratrich
Price: SOLD
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30″ x 48″ 

A very fleeting moment in time as the sunsets and the colors entertain.

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A painting of a farm with cows in the field.


Michael Fratrich
Price: SOLD
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30 x 24 

Here is a piece Michael in one of Michael’s surprising new piece that he calls his primitive expression that is proving quite successful and desirable, as are all of his original oils!

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A painting of two red barns in the snow.


Michael Fratrich
Price: sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30 x 60 

Here is a piece Michael has built a solid following for. Many of his stormy skies grace the walls of his loyal collectors. They are show stoppers and captivating in many, many ways. Michael is a most obliging artists. If you need a smaller version for a certain spot……he will accommodate your personal needs in order to have an original painting in your home!

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A painting of boats docked in a harbor.


Michael Fratrich
Price: $6800
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30 x 24 

And now from Michael……..a bit of his impressionistic style. Bass Harbor is ‘filled’ with color! You will not get bored!

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A painting of a field.


Michael Fratrich
Price: SOLD
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30 x 24 

Here is a piece Michael labels a ‘primitive painting’ that is a lovely and diverse expression by Michael.

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A painting of a barn in a field at sunset.


Michael Fratrich
Price: $7800
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36 x 36 

If yellow is your decor choice you cannot beat this original oil by Michael.

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A painting of a barn under a stormy sky.


Michael Fratrich
Price: $8400
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30 x 40 

Here is a most popular piece from Michael’s solo show. It wont last long!
May it be yours!

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A painting of a barn on a hill with the sun behind it.


Michael Fratrich
Price: SOLD
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 24 x 36 

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A painting of a barn on a grassy hill.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 38 in. x 48 in.

Complimentary colors and subtle values make this piece a perfect fit in all styles of decor. It is a perfect accent for any home, office or even business.

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A painting of a farm with a stone wall and a full moon.


Michael Fratrich
Price: SOLD
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36 in. x 36 in.

Moonlight paintings by Michael are of great appeal and do not last long! They are subtle and possess warm, cozy and comforting feelings.

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A painting of a crow perched on a branch with a full moon.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 28 in. x 13 in.

Michael Fratrich has a new treat with an strong Asian influence. Charming raw silk like texture in these two verticals. After studying Asian history and art these two pieces demonstrate Michael’s great versatility in his expression and subjects.
In China, the Crow is also Commended for its Social Behavior as young crows help their parents bring up the next brood.  The crow stands as an example of Dedication to Family and Ancestors in nature. Crow Families abound in Ukiyo-e Art.

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A painting of two birds on a branch with pink blossoms.


Michael Fratrich
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 28 in. x 13 in.

Michael Fratrich has a new treat with an strong Asian influence. Charming raw silk like texture in these two verticals. After studying Asian history and art these two pieces demonstrate Michael’s great versatility in his expression and subjects.

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Painting of a barren


Medium: Oil on PANEL
Size: 24 in. x 18 in.

Here is a smaller version of the very large and loved piece Golden Hour. Michael is amazing at capturing the light and color.

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Painting of Last Light


Medium: Oil on PANEL
Size: 24 in. x 36 in.

Here is a wonderful feeling of the end of a beautiful day on a sweet small farm.

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Painting of Red Door


Medium: Oil on PANEL
Size: 30 in. x 40 in.

A new and exciting expression by Michael. He is an ever resourceful creator of new expressions that push the edge on contemporary and traditional style. This is a bold piece to make a statement in any room.

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A painting of a barn with a red roof.


Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36 in. x 60 in.

An ultra dramatic scene to set off any room with color and simplicity.

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A painting of two barns with blue roofs on a hill.


Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36 in. x 36 in.

For those who lined up to purchase Field Gem II with a stone wall that is perfect foreground enhancement.

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A painting of a house in a field at sunset.


Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36 in. x 70 in.

Michael Fratrich treats us to another incredibly colored sky as a backdrop to a comforting – homey piece.

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A painting of a farm with snow on the ground.


Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36 in. x 60 in.

That unique time of day where unbelievable colors appear for fractions of time to delight our transition to night. Michael has captured this beautifully.

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A painting of a barn at night with steps leading up to it.


Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36 in. x 36 in.

A popular starry night scene that doesn’t last in the gallery for long. A lovely walkway of stones brings you to a lit home and barn. A perfect addition for any collector.

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A painting of a farm with a red roof under a stormy sky.


Price: SOLD
Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 36 in. x 60 in.

From part of the Storm Light series, this one is fabulous.

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A painting of a barn in the countryside.


Price: $
Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 24 in. x 30 in.

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A painting of a barn on a hill.


Price: SOLD
Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 30 in. x 40 in.

With a turquoise roof…….this barn truly is a gem!

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A painting of a red barn in a field.


Price: $3800
Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 18 in. x 24 in.

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A painting of a white horse running on a black background.


Price: SOLD
Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 36 in. x 60 in.

A new expression!

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A painting of a barn on a hill.


Price: $SOLD
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 18 in. x 30 in.


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A red barn on a green field.


Price: $SOLD
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 24 in. x  20 in.


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A painting of a barn on a hill.


Price: $Sold
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 16 in. x  24 in.


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A painting of a snowy town.


Price: $ SOLD
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 24 in. x  36 in.

Looks like Manchester Village, Vermont

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A painting of a red barn in the snow.


Price: $ SOLD
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 30 in. x  60 in.

An incredible accent to any room!

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A painting of a house on top of a hill.


Price: $ SOLD
Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 36 in. x  48 in.

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A painting of a house under a stormy sky.


Price: $ SOLD
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 36 in. x  60 in.

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A painting of a barn with a moon in the sky.


Price: $ SOLD
Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 18 in. x  24 in.

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A painting of a barn on a hillside.


Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 40 in. x  30 in.

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A painting of a barn in the snow.


Price: SOLD
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 16 in. x  24 in.


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A painting of a farm with trees and a pond.


Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 28 in. x  36 in.


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A painting of a white house on a hill under a stormy sky.


Price:   SOLD
Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 12 in. x  24 in.

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A painting of trees and a pond.


Price: $ 2900
Medium: Oil on linen
Size: 12 in. x 18 in.

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A painting of a barn at sunset.


Price: SOLD
Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 16 in. x  24 in.


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