HAPPY 2018
Dear Lovers of Art,
Welcome 2018, from chilly and snowy Tilting at Windmills Gallery in Vermont!
I wish to express to each of you my appreciation for your devotion and support in the world of art. As an artist-gallery owner, I get to experience the many thrills and challenges of both careers. There is a unique connection between the observer, art and creator, that occurs when each person experiences what is on display. It is thrilling for me to share this. Thank you for your visits and insight. Art is a proven necessity in our daily lives and often pulls us thru the not so enjoyable ones. I strive to offer a variety of top quality art in Tilting for your individual pleasure and collections.
Happy New Year
With gratitude, Terry
24 Highland Ave., Manchester Center, VT.
802-362-3022 / www.tilting.com / [email protected]